Rest N' Nest Campground
Additional activities will be added throughout the season so check back or call! Last year we did a chili cook off, bon fire and live music!
2024 Activities
May 25th Memorial Day Weekend
Horseshoe Tournament $ 10:30 am
Kids Arts & Crafts 3:00 pm
Bingo $ 7:00 pm
June 15th Father's Day Weekend
Corn Hole Tournament $2 entry fee 10:30 am
Dessert Pot luck 2:00 pm followed by
Pie Your Kids in the Face $1.00/plate (available while supplies last)
Wildlife Encounters 5:00 pm
(rec hall pending weather)
Bingo $ 7:00 pm
(purchase balloon rides on their website)
July 4th Independence Day
Saturday July 6th
Corn Hole Tournament $ 10:30 am
Bingo $ 7:00pm
Horseshoe Tournament $ 10:30 am
All American Cookout: hotdogs, drink and bag of chips $ 1:00pm
Candy bar bingo $ 3:30pm (Candy bars available for purchase in camp store.)
Bingo $ 7:00pm
July 13th Christmas in July
Kids arts and crafts 11:00 am
Visit from Santa 3:00pm
(a gift for your child will be provided by Santa. Parents please let us know in advance how many children will be participating so we can plan accordingly ) **** Enter using BATH HOUSE ENTRANCE
Site Decorating Contest
Best decorated site will win a free overnight guest or 10% discount towards next reservation. (Please help Rest N Nesters get into the christmas spirit by decorating your site)
BINGO $ 7pm rec hall/outside weather pending
August 10th
Horseshoe Tournament 10:30am $2 per entry
Pig Roast/Pig Pickin’ $10/adult plate $8/kids plate
(Receive ticket in office) pulled pork, mac n cheese, baked beans, dinner roll, coleslaw and dessert.
August 31st Labor Day
Horseshoe Tournament 10:30 am
$2 per entry
Bingo $ 7:00pm
Corn Hole Tournament 10:30 am
$2 per entry
Corn Roast/Pot Luck Supper 5:00pm by playground/rec hall (sign up for dish in office)
Bingo $ 7:00pm
September 21st Halloween
Site Decorating Contest For a free overnight guest or 10% discount towards next reservation. (Please help Rest N Nesters get into the Hallowen spirit by decorating your site).
Chili Cook-off (sign up in office) 3:00-5:00pm
Haunted Hay Ride
7:00 pm Prepare to be spooked. Trick or Treating along the ride.
October 12th Columbus Weekend
Saturday & Sunday Bingo $ 7:00pm Rec hall
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Activity #1
Activity #2
Horseshoe Tournament is a fun activity for kids and parents of all ages, with a cash prize to be won! Teams are picked at random with a drawing based on the sign up sheet. Each player gets a turn on throwing horseshoes, collecting points and knocking out other players.
This game can last quite a few hours so bring your drinks and your "A" game for some fun in the sun.

Activity #3
Candy Bar Bingo is a campground hit. What could be better than a cash prize- a jackpot full of CANDY! Each Bingo card is given out as a candy bar has been purchased from the Camp Store to enter the jackpot. As you search your card for your B. I. N. G. O. numbers, a winner could emerge at any time!
Get yours fast and keep your eyes on the PRIZE!

Kids Arts and Crafts have always been a favorite in our home, from making colored spinners, rice filled sock bunnies to rock painting. We are always interested in hearing new ideas that is family friendly and so everyone of all skill sets, can enjoy. Shirt tie-dying was fun, ironing beads is a classic and we cannot forget face painting!
No matter the craft, fun is sure to be had!

Seasonal Activities change depending on the weather and as we know in New England, the weather could change at any time. If you enjoy the Summer heat and sunshine or the crisp Fall air and foliage, an activity will be enjoyed by everyone. Some activities that have proven to be fan favorites include water balloon toss, Frozen T-shirt "musical chair" style, BINGO Scavenger Hunt, face painting and even Canvas Painting!
No matter the activity, there is something for everyone to enjoy.